Vocal and Choral Music
Everyone who studies music is a singer at Wilson's School. The best way to learn music is to sing it; accordingly, singing is a regular feature of classroom music lessons. Boys are encouraged to sing from the moment they arrive through events like the Year 7 Induction Days.
Outside of the classroom, most of our singing takes place in one of our vocal groups. The Junior Choir is our choir for singers in Year 7, and sings every year at the Carol Service and in school concerts. Students in Year 7 who have chosen to study voice as part of the Year 7 music programme (and have passed the audition) also sing with Schola Cantorum, a smaller chamber choir that performs more challenging repertoire.
Cambiata, our choir for changing voices, is for students in Years 8-10 and rehearses every Wednesday lunchtime. The Senior Choir, for students in Year 9 and above, performs at all major school events in the Autumn Term and Spring Term. We have performed Faure's Requiem in collaboration with Wallington High School for Girls accompanied by the school's Chamber Ensemble and more recently Handel's Messiah. Mozart's Requiem in D minor. The Barbershop Group is a small group for our most experienced singers and is very popular at concerts. The new addition of the Chamber Choir recruits the most talented vocalists from across the school. Vocal tuition is fast becoming one of the most popular parts of our peripatetic music lesson programme, and each year the vocal round of House Music is hotly contested. We also host a Vocal Evening in the Summer term to showcase our best vocal soloists.
Several years ago we formed a Quartercentennial Choir, which played a leading role in the musical celebrations of the school’s four-hundredth anniversary. This was an elite ensemble for our best singers and staff and is by invitation only. Our senior tenors and basses meet every Friday lunchtime in order to rehearse.