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Experiences our Year 7 Instrumental Programme

Recently we asked some of our older students who had taken part in our Year Seven Music Programme some questions. We wanted to know what difference the Programme made to their lives and to their musical education. Here are just a few responses.  


"It made a huge difference to my trajectory in life. Without starting the trumpet in year 7 I strongly suspect that I would not be pursuing the trumpet at conservatoire level!" 


"It introduced me to my instrument which introduced me to music in general. I would not be applying for music college without this. It means so much since it will lead to (hopefully) a career in this instrument."


"It introduced me to the world of wind instruments! I've made many friends, acquaintances, and have had some of the happiest and loveliest relationships through the oboe. It's amazing to me how much the scheme has impacted my social and personal life. I likely would not have many of the closer friends I do now without the programme."


"The Year Seven Music Programme was an exceptional experience, which, for me, extended far beyond just Year Seven, and far beyond just music in my life."

"I love music because of the amazing people I have met through it. Music's ability to bring people together is, in my opinion, unparalleled."

"Wilson’s School has an amazing music department...its provisions, resources and events are second to none!"


"I feel like I am also a much more confident performer because of it, whether it be in public speaking or acting, I am much more comfortable in front of a large audience than I used to be, in large part due to the Year Seven Music Programme."                         

"I love music because it is a way to express yourself beyond words that connects with many people."  


"It would not have been something I would have been able to do otherwise because of the cost of the instrument and the lessons and I am so grateful that I got the opportunity to try it out and find out how much I enjoyed playing the oboe. I don't think my parents would have considered it otherwise and I would have missed out on a lot of opportunities in and out of school."

"The free tuition made a big difference because it meant I could give the oboe a try without the burden of the cost of lessons. It also meant that I stuck with the instrument, even when I was finding it difficult, which allowed me to improve and start to enjoy playing."


"Simply put, it introduced me to playing music. The music scheme was where I played an instrument for the very first time. It was the source of what was I think my favourite pastime during Wilson's. It was easily the biggest hobby that I picked up during my time at the school, and I put an awful lot of time into it. Given the opportunity I'd do it all again, so it means a lot to me. "

"The Year 7 Music Programme was a great opportunity for me to discover something I never would have dreamed of doing! I love music because it is the source of some of my best friends and some of my proudest moments. So many of my friends have discovered a talent for certain instruments that they would never have considered (or would not have been able to do) before the Year 7 Programme. "

"It was Wilson’s that really ignited my passion for music. I now sing with the National Youth Training Choir Great Britain. Before the Year Seven Music Programme, I had never sung in a serious setting. Now, singing in many choirs and music being such a huge part of my life, I feel so grateful that I was given the opportunity to pick it up. I would love to have a career in Musical Theatre. Even the thought of this would have been impossible without this programme."


"It introduced me to my instrument which introduced me to music in general. I would not be applying for music college without this."

"It introduced me to the world of wind instruments! I've made many friends, acquaintances, and have had some of the happiest and loveliest relationships through the oboe. It's amazing to me how much the scheme has impacted my social and personal life. I likely would not have many of the closer friends I do now without the programme."


“The year Seven Music Programme was amazing “   


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