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FAREWELL to the Mary Datchelor WING

The start of 2022 was marked by the demolition of the Mary Datchelor Wing, which has accommodated music teaching at Wilson's for 40 years. In truth, the building was probably unsuitable for this purpose from the very start, but in recent years - with a vast expansion in the department's activities - it has become home to only a small proportion of the teaching, rehearsal and performance across the school.

We are determined that the department should maintain its links with the former Mary Datchelor School in Camberwell and we are delighted that our friends from the Old Girls Club continue to show and interest in the musical activities of students here. We will make sure that our new building honours the legacy of the Mary Datchelor School and its important place in the history of Wilson's School.

© Wilson's School Music Department. All rights reserved.

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